Thursday, March 25, 2010

Planet Layak Huni Selain Bumi

Populasi manusia di bumi terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Lahan untuk tinggal semakin sempit. Nukan tidak mungkin jika dalam beberapa dekade kedepan bumi kita akan padat sekali. Para ahli pun mulai berpikir keras dan melakukan penelitian untuk mencari planet-planet yang kemungkinan besar dapat ditinggali oleh manusia. Dengan mengirimkan mis-misi keluar angkasa.

Untuk pertama kalinya, astronom akhirnya menemukan planet yang mirip Bumi di luar Tata Surya, sebuah planet ekstrasolar dengan radius 50% lebih besar dari bumi dan mampu memiliki air dalam bentuk cair. Penemuan ini memberi sebuah harapan baru dan sebuah langkah maju dalam usaha pencarian planet-planet yang bisa digolongkan sebagai planet layak huni. Dengan menggunakan teleskop ESO 3,6 m, tim pemburu planet dari Swiss, Perancis dan Portugal akhirnya menemukan super-Bumi yang massanya 5 kali massa Bumi dan mengorbit bintang katai merah, yang sebelumnya diketahui telah memiliki planet bermassa Neptunus. Para astronom juga menemukan bukti kuat yang menunjukkan indikasi keberadaan planet ketiga dengan massa 8 kali massa Bumi.

Exoplanet, itulah cara para astronom dalam menyebut planet yang berada disekitar bintang selain Matahari. Nah, exoplanet yang baru ditemukan ini merupakan exoplanet terkecil yang pernah ditemukan hingga saat ini dan ia bisa mengitari bintangnya hanya dalam 13 hari. Dan jaraknya juga 14 kali lebih dekat dari jarak Bumi -Matahari. Bintang induknya sendiri ternyata bukanlah bintang sekelas Matahari melainkan bintang katai merah yang lebih kecil, kebih dingin dan lebih redup dibanding Matahari. Itulah bintang Gliese 581, bintang yang menaungi si exoplanet mirip Bumi tersebut.

Si exoplanet yang mirip Bumi ini terletak di dalam area layak huni sang bintang (berada dalam habitable zone bintang – akan dibahas dalam artikel yang lain), daerah disekitar bintang dimana air yang berada pada area itu bisa berada dalam bentuk cairan. Exoplanet tersebut dinamakan Gliese 581 c yang artinya planet kedua yang bermukim di bintang Gliese 581. Planet pertama dalam extrasolar planet dinamakan dengan nama bintang dan diikuti indikasi b, bintang kedua indikasinya c dst.

Menurut Stephane Udry dari Geneva Observatory, mereka memperkirakan temperatur rata-rata super-Bumi ini antara 0 – 40 derajat Celcius, dan kondisi airnya masih dalam bentuk cairan. Selain itu radiusnya juga diperkirakan hanya 1,5 kali radius Bumi, dan dari pemodelannya bisa diperkirakan kalau planet ini merupakan planet batuan seperti Bumi atau bisa jadi Gliese 581 c adalah planet lautan.

Ditambahkan oleh Xavier Delfosse, salah satu anggota tim dari Perancis, kalau air dalam bentuk cair merupakan komponen yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan sepanjang yang kita ketahui. Dengan memiliki temperatur dan jarak yang relatif dekat seperti yang dimiliki Gliese 581 c, planet ini kemungkinan akan menjadi target penting dalam misi ruang angkasa di masa depan khususnya dalam hal pencarian kehidupan extra-terrestrial. Dan di dalam peta harta karun alam semesta, Gliese 581 c akan ditandai dengan X.

- perlu diingat perbandingan kehidupan itu sendiri akan selalu mengacu pada kehidupan di Bumi.-

Gilese 581
Bintang induk Gliese 581 merupakan satu diantara 100 bintang yang berada dekat dengan kita. Massa dan radiusnya hanya sepertiga massa Matahari. Planet katai merah seperti ini secara intrinsik memiliki kecerlangan setidaknya 50 kali lebih lemah dari Matahari. Bintang katai merah juga termasuk bintang yang umum ditemukan di dalam galaksi kita (Bimasakti) : diantara 100 bintang dekat dengan Matahari, 80 diantaranya berada di kelas ini.

Gl 581, atau Gliese 581, merupakan bintang ke 581 dalam urutan Katalog Gliese yang merupakan susunan bintang yang berada dalam jarak 25 parsecs (81,5 tahun cahaya) dari bintang. Katalog tersebut dibuat oleh Gliese dan diterbitkan pada tahun 1969 dan diperbaharui tahun 1991 oleh Gliese dan Jahreiss. Gliese 581 sendiri jaraknya 6,26 parsecs (22,66 tahun cahaya) berada di konstelasi Libra dan usianya 4,3 milyar tahun.

Menurut Xavier Bonfils dari Lisbon University, Bintang katai merah merupakan target ideal dalam pencarian planet bermassa kecil yang memiliki air dalam bentuk cair. Hal ini disebabkan karena bintang katai seperti ini memancarkan sedikit cahaya sehingga daerah layak huninya (habitable zone) berada lebih dekat dengan bintang dibanding planet-planet disekitar Matahari.

Planet-planet yang berada di daerah tersebut akan lebih mudah dideteksi dengan menggunakan metode kecepatan radial, metode yang paling sukses dalam pencarian dan deteksi exoplanet.

Planet Lainnya di Gliese 581
Dua tahun lalu, tim astronom yang sama juga menemukan planet yang mengelilingi Gliese 581. Planet yang dikenal dengan nama Gliese 581 b memiliki massa 15 massa Bumi, dan mirip dengan Neptunus. Ia mengorbit Gliese 581 hanya menghabiskan waktu 5,4 hari. Pada saat itu astronom juga sudah melihat adanya indikasi planet lain disekitar tempat itu. Dan setelah pencarian yang lebih lanjut, ditemukan planet super-Bumi, tapi bukan hanya itu, ada juga indikasi yang sangat jelas menunjukkan kalau ditempat itu ada planet ketiga. Planet ketiga tersebut memiliki massa 8 kali massa Bumi dan menyelesaikan putaran orbitnya dalam waktu 84 hari.

Sistem keplanetan di Gliese 581 sedikitnya telah memiliki 3 buah planet dengan massa kurang lebih 15 massa Bumi, dan ini bisa dikatakan merupakan sistem yang luar biasa. Selama ini pencarian exoplanet paling banyak dilakukan pada bintang yang sekelas Matahari.

Metode Pengamatan
Penemuan Gliese 581 c ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kecepatan radial. Metode kecepatan radial mendeteksi perubahan kecepatan gaya gravitasi dari exoplanet (yang tak terlihat) saat ia mengorbit bintangnya. Evaluasi pengukuran kecepatan akan memberi deduksi tentang orbit planet, biasanya bisa diketahui periode dan jarak dari bintang, serta massa minimumnya. Secara statistik, massa minimum ini mendekati massa yang sebenarnya.

Penemuan ini dilakukan menggunakan spektograf HARPS (High Accuracy RAdial Velocity for the Planetary Searcher), teleskop ESO 3,6 m di La Silla, Chille. HARPS bisa mengukur kecepatan dengan presisi lebih baik dari 1 meter per detik (3,6 km/jam). Dalam pendeteksian ini, variasi kecepatan yang terdeteksi antara 2 dan 3 meter per detik atau setara dengan 9 km/jam. Dari 13 planet yang massanya dibawah 20 massa Bumi, 11 diantaranya ditemukan dengan HARPS.

Selain Gliese 581 c ada dua sistem lain yang memiliki massa kecil juga, yakni planet es yang mengitari OGLE-2005-BLG-390L, yang ditemukan dengan jaringan teleskop microlensing. Massa planet tersebut 5,5 massa Bumi. Namun planet tersebut orbitnya lebih jauh dari bintang induknya yang kecil dibanding jarak Gliese 581 c dengan bintangnya. Selain itu planet yang mengitari OGLE-2005-BLG-390L juga lebih dingin.

Planet lainnya memiliki massa minimum 5,89 massa Bumi (dengan kemungkinan massa benarnya 7,53 massa Bumi) dan periode orbitnya kurang dari 2 hari, hal ini menyebabkan si planet terlalu panas untuk masih memiliki air di permukaannya.

Penemuan Gliese 581 c memberi satu titik cerah dalam masalah pencarian planet-planet yg mirip Bumi didalam zona layak huni bintang. Tapi untuk tiba pada apakah ada kehidupan lain disana atau mungkinkah kita hidup disana masih ada banyak hal yang perlu dijawab

Benefits of water

Water Working With Magic
If you drink lots of water clean and clear, then it will spur improvement of your health, where researchers found that, increasingly many benefits to drinking water in sufficient amounts for health, including:
Digestion and metabolism better
Drinking water in sufficient quantities to make good digestion and metabolism can work at maximum capacity. In fact, recent research from the University of Utah stated that water shortages could lead to decreased metabolism.

Improving the ability and endurance
You will be able to work harder / weight when you get enough water. In addition, water can strengthen your immune system. Because the water can increase glycogen storage, a form of carbohydrate stored in muscles and used as energy when you work.

Hungry bear
Sometimes hunger is the disguise of thirst. When you become dehydrated (lack of water) you may feel like eating when you really need is water. You can also use the satiety effects of drinking water for
prevent overeating.

Reduce the risk of several types of diseases
The researchers now believe that liquid water, or rather can play an active role in reducing the risk of several diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract cancer, bladder cancer, and colon cancer (colon). Drinking enough water can also prevent constipation.

Effective weapon against a cold or runny nose
Antibodies in the mucus that coats the throat serves to trap cold viruses. This durability will weaken if you are dehydrated (lack of water) because it will cause the mucus to dry. For the record many health experts recommend water as an effective expectorant to reduce coughing.

The most powerful facial moisturizer
By drinking lots of water helps keep your skin supple, firm and reduce lines and wrinkles on the face.
Counteract fatigue due to travel
Heat may cause you will cause dehydration and fatigue during and after the trip. Drink lots of water before a trip and one glass every hour you travel.

Overcoming migraine / headache
The researchers said that dehydration can cause a migraine / headache, so if you are experiencing a migraine is very important to drink water in sufficient quantities.
While the primary function of water is:

1. Forming new cells, maintain and replace cells that deer
2. Dissolve and bring nutrients, oxygen and hormones throughout the body cells that require
3. Dissolve and remove the rubbish and toxins from the body
4. Catalyst in the metabolism
5. Lubricant for the joints
6. Stabilize the body temperature
7. Reduce the impact of the vital organs

By using specially drinking enough water, your body will always be fresh and maintain health.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CorePlayer Symbian s60 3rd

CorePlayer Platform v1.3.2 "Speed Edition". has been released. Why Speed? Well you will find that even though this is mostly a bug fix and stability release for all platforms that it also includes a slew of optimizations including some pretty impressive CoreUI changes that makes the UI faster for all supported platforms.

New changes added:

* Added the means to use connections in a more fluid manner for GPRS/Wireless… what this means is you won’t get the dreaded ‘No Items Found!" error message in YouTube even though you are connected
* Proxy Login/Password support

* Added more languages (24 now)

* Added LATM AAC Container support

* Added Coverart support for Windows Media Files

* Read the full changelog below for more info.

* Skin support

Download link

CorePlayer Symbian s60 3rd

Monday, March 22, 2010

iON BatteryTimer

Capree iON BatteryTimer v1.04 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9 x-ExE24 Style

The remaining battery time and more...
Have you ever been concerned if your battery survives the whole day when far from the battery charger or have you experienced unexpected battery drain over a single day? If so, using iON BatteryTimer for S60 3rd will appreciably improve your day-to-day smartphone experience.
It can be installed on any S60 3rd device with 320x240 and 640x360 pixels screen resolution while offering the control of operating time remaining to complete discharge, providing the estimated future date&time of the battery being completely discharged and presenting how long the battery holds its charge on average. The iON presents data in three ways: main application, standby plug-in, power saver.


* Provides information about:
o Operating time remaining to complete discharge,
o Estimated future date&time of the battery being completely discharged,
o How long the battery holds its charge on average.
* Fast and handy access to remaining time at home/standby screen.
* Power saver with additional ‘big’ battery level percentage indicator, built-in system notifications (e.g. missed calls, messages, unread emails, current profile, keypad lock).

During the installation process you will be prompted to accept copying data to your device internal memory - not an extra memory card. It will use only small amount of memory, about 150kb and is required for proper operation of the program. There is also a need to run background ?Core’''''''''' process which must start automatically each time device is booted. However, it utilizes negligible amount of CPU time (less than 1% once per minute).
You have 9 days to test fully functional trial version and to activate the application afterwards. You can register your license key with one device (IMEI) for a lifetime and it cannot be transferred to any other device. It can be reinstalled and activated at the same device as many times as needed.
The most accurate readings will be after 3-5 full charge/discharge cycles. So be patient, please.

Quick start
Follow these four quick steps to start using iON in the most effective way. Before proceeding make sure you have installed iON using appropriate .sis file and have accepted Precautions.

Step 1 -Start the main applications
After installation you should be able to find iON BatteryTimer icon among installed applications (e.g. path for Nokia N95 is MAIN MENU > APPLICATIONS > ION BATTERYTIMER). After starting the application you will see Trial mode and Welcome dialog.

Step 2- Enable Standby plug-in
Choose OPTIONS menu and STANDBY PLUG-IN > ON. It will activate Standby plug-in on home screen of your device, showing small battery icon and operating time remaining to discharge. If plug-in is enabled it will start automatically each time your phone is started.

Step 3- Enable power saver
If you prefer to test or use dedicated power saver choose iON Power saver from your device power savers menu (path for Nokia N95 is TOOLS > SETTINGS > GENERAL > PERSONALIZATION > THEMES >POWER SAVER).
After 3-5 charge-discharge cycles iON will be the most accurate. Should some inexact estimation happens you are advised to fully charge battery and use RESET option from main OPTIONS menu.

Step 4 – Enable Active Standby iON shortcut (optional)
If you prefer fast access to all data provided by iON main application you can enable Active standby application shortcut at Standby mode settings (e.g. path forNokia N95 is MAIN MANU > TOOLS > SETTINGS > GENERAL > PERSONALIZATION > STANDBY MODE > ACTIVE STANDBY APPS. ). Choose Shortcut (e.g. SHORTCUT 3) and then find iON BatteryTimer radio button among all applications. Now you should see iON icon on the home screen.

Whats New In Version 1.04 :

* Lack of icons on FP0 devices - fixed
* Standby plug-in startup error on FP0 devices - fixed
* Plugin procentage indication is back at the portrait mode
* Better overall estimation performance

Download Link

Capree iON BatteryTimer

Pocket Quran S60v3 SymbianOS

Pocket Quran v0.96.2beta S60v3 SymbianOS9x Signed

The complete Holy Quran in Arabic. Pocket Quran runs natively on Symbian OS and does not require Arabic support. The text has full "Tashkeel". Includes verse numbers, division markers, and search capabilities! Must have a phone with medium or hi-resolution screen.

Pocket Quran for Series 60v3

By Mohamed Talal

The complete Holy Quran in Arabic for Nokia Series 60v3 (including Nokia
series N and E like N80 and E62 ...) for FREE!

Pocket Quran runs natively on Symbian OS and does not require
Arabic support. The text has full "Tashkeel". Includes verse numbers,
division markers and search capabilities!

* Nokia Series 60v3 phone (will not work on S60 v2 or v1,
visit for other device types)
* ~740 KB free memory
* Medium or high-resolution

Installation Instructions
* Installation:
1. Download The PQ file From M9.
2. install PocketQuranS60v3.SIS on your device.
* Note:
to successfully install the app the setting under
Options / Settings / Software Installation Setting
must be set to "All".

How to search
1. select 'Search' from menu
2. a soft Arabic keyboard will appear.
3. use arrow keys to choose letter
4. press 1, 2, or space to select letter
5. press OK to start the search

This application is provided AS IS. No warranties whatsoever are

Revision History

- first version for S60v3

Download Link :

Pocket Quran S60v3

File Manager for symbian

X-plore is a file manager for mobile devices, with a wide range of functions on the phone's file system.

1.35 - Image preview - small thumbnail in file list
1.40 - More kinetic scrolling, some fixes
1.41 - Small fixes
1.42 - Improved file search function (wildcards), small fixes
Installation Guide:
1. Install LCG X-plore v1.42
2. Install cracked
3. Install Patch
This patch will create a new icon named "X-PUNRG" in menu.
When cracked version crashed, just open "X-PUNRG" once. Then you can use cracked version.

Download link :

Xplore 1.35 with cracked

Xplore 1.42

TTPod s60v3 3.70

New function and Optimization

The new version of the feature:

New function and Optimization
1. Decoded based on the system's new architecture, to enhance performance and results, reduce the CPU occupation and power consumption;
2. Increasing environmental sound adjustment function;
3. Increase the left and right channel balance adjustment function;
4. Optimize the most of the pop-up box interfa
The new version of the feature:ce display;
5. The new image processing engine, showing a better effect;
6. Increase the image rotating display;
7. Increase the picture like a revolving door display;
8. Increase the image rotating display;
9. Add "a" key shortcut menu;
10. Optimal adjustment of left menu layout;
11. Increase the power-saving mode;
12. Increase in night-time mode;
13. Increase by album name, by adding time, random sorting sort;
14. Increase the marking and mobility features;
15. Increase the smooth fast forward / rewind mode;
16. Default, open the font smoothing;
17. Increase the font strokes effect;
18. To increase the font size and color lyrics interface adjustment function;
19. Increase the image storage directory customization features;
20. Increase the transparency of the regulatory function of mini-player;
21. Support "starts playing" and "Memory out of position" is set separately;
22. Support the Left menu, press the left arrow keys closed;
23. Optimization of the list and the next page scrolling speed;
24. Custom list add "Favorites" list by default;
25. Bluetooth to send support for sending multiple files at the same time;
26. Optimizing ID3 editor cache methods to improve preservation speed;
27. Increase the capacity, the progress bar animation, and more hands and follow the syntax of the skin.

Problem is fixed

1. FP2 models to solve the problem of sleep shutdown mode is invalid;
2. Fixed part of the models used JbakTaskMan forced to shut down the program led to phone restart problem;
3. Repair 3250/5500 and other models for music when the phone restart problem;
4. Fix built-in image in the switch if they had not displayed when the screen or skin problems;
5. Repair part of the model image display area width of the value of the display of images ranging from lead to Blank problems;
6. Fix MPEG-4 AAC Audio encoding format will not play the audio issues;
7. Fixed more on other details of the problem, not repeat them.

* N82, N95 part of the firmware version of the use of environmental sounds will cause the program to quit unexpectedly, the current environment, these two models have been shielded audio display;
* Sound API call is invalid Samsung models have been shielded audio option;
* N82 backlight control to open will cause the screen flashes when you have been shielded night mode.

Extension Deion

1. TTPod and the system comes with the distinction between player
TTPod 3.70 decoder architecture is based on the system comes with decoder can completely restore the phone comes with the best sound quality, and can play and activate the phone even greater potential to support more audio enhancement settings.
At the same time every day sounds decoding support system display a more accurate spectrum and visualization, and provides lyrics, pictures, skin, and other auxiliary functions, as well as sleep mode, night mode, song repetition, list management, practical function.
We can say that every day is a nice player, comes with the enhanced version of its own players while maintaining the advantages, but also on the own player was supplemented and improved.

2. The new decoder architecture features
Better performance; more stable; more power; CPU and run the memory footprint smaller.

3. Select everyday sounds of the six reasons for
@ Properties is best
@ Use of the most stable
@ The most powerful
@ Operation of the most humane
@ Resources (lyrics, pictures, skin, visual) the most abundant
@ Users the largest quantity
TTPod from the second edition of S60 platform version of the development started now supports Symbian platform, V2, V3, V5 all the models in the visualization, ID3 tag editor, skin and other functions stay ahead of technology has also been actively innovate every day sounds to improve product features.
In the 3.70 version, the newly added "1" key shortcut menu, you can make the operation of common functions have become more convenient; additional night mode function to facilitate the use of songs during the night, and the support of free-conditioning set backlight brightness and range; first stroke font effect, effectively reduce the lyrics flashing the same time, the skin makers can freely adjust color, design a more energetic of the skin effect.

Large population of users and good reputation of the software has been fully demonstrated recognition of users every day sounds, everyday sounds will always put customer needs first, for the majority of mobile phone users a better music experience, software products.

You can download here

River Under Sea